All posts by zhightower

Colonial Life

Today was a hard day. I had to make 20 colonists coats for the Winter. Each coat was about 1 cent, that’s a great pay. It’s my 10th year to work at the”Clothing Shop.” My husband is the lucky one in the family, he gets to sit in a chair. I have to sit in a hard wooden bench with my 2 year old named Lilly. What if I didn’t have to buy Lilly  dresses with a pudding in it. This morning I had to make Lilly and I lobster, it was very good but very red. This afternoon I had to make us clams before they got bad. In between that I had to make the clothes. This evening was the best, we had a picnic near the bay. We made all kinds of food to eat. We had apples, peaches, deer, corn, and pork. It was the best meal ever! I wonder what it’s like to work out of the house, I guess girls will never know only boys.

Homecoming in White Oak


Today is homecoming for White Oak ISD we only have homecoming every three years. The reason we have it every three years is because after World War 2 people from White Oak were in the war and being sent home, so they waited three years till the people were home. I wonder what it was like to wait for the people to come it would have to be hard to wait on the people that you remember them when they were in grade school and now your waiting to see them come home for homecoming. I’m proud to be at a school that honors the people in World War 2 still around 50 years later. At first I thought that What Oak did that for no reason but now that I know the story behind it makes more sense. I like that they cared for the exes that they waited for all of them to come home so they could see them again and maybe say “Thank you for your service.” They still to this day almost 60 years later wait every three years to respect the exes. I like White Oak because they don’t forget about us they wait as long as it takes. I  like,honor,and respect homecoming and White Oak.




I would like to live in Plymouth because all the clothes are colorful and pretty. They also had help from the Indians. One day the Pilgrims had a big feast to be thankful for all the Indians help.  That time period sounds like a great time to live in. I wonder what is was like to live in Plymouth was is fun like it seems or was it  scary, what if I lived their.

Life in 5th Grade

5th grade is so far one of the best school years because you get to have more freedom such as choosing your spot at lunch. You have more privileges so you’re trusted more often and counted on because you’re the big kids of the campus. Since you’re the big kids people look up to you so I was sacred we were going to be a bad example because of years before, but that changed we’re not as bad as I expedited. The school work is a little harder than 4th grade so you have to work harder and study a lot more because you have more tests and work to do. 5th grade is a great grade in my opinion because you’re not a little kid anymore you’re almost in middle school and you’re growing up. This year I plan to be a great year besides it’s my last year in a school with kindergarten-5th.

9-11 Reflections

9-11 is one of the saddest days because many people died for no reason. 4 planes crashed, three buildings were hit, and thousands of people died they were all hero’s to this country. The twin towers collapsed and the pentagon had a big hole in the side of it. One of the planes did not crash in the place the hijackers expected, because the passengers got the clue by family and friends and crashed in a field not the white house. many of the firefighters  ether died or got hurt, but they still saved this country. I may have not been alive but thank you for your service.