Amendment Four Poem

A man named James Madison introduced it to congress

Made because people were getting searched for no reason

Everyone is safe in their home

Not a guarantee to not be searched

Does mean you can’t  be searched for no reason

Made to prevent the government  from abusing it’s power

Everyone has to follow this rule

Not different even today even for soldiers

The right of the people to be secure in  home


Founding fathers want to the rights of individuals

On September 25, 1789 it was passed by congress

Usually known as the security of ones  privacy

Really means that a soldier can’t come in to a house


In coding I did Frozen and Angry Birds. Frozen was easy on the art ones but a little hard on the non artist ones. Angry Birds was easy at the beginning but a little hard at the end. I rate Frozen a 8 and I rate Angry Birds a 7.

American Flag

I think Betsy Ross made the American flag,  because she was the one talked to about the flag being made. Also, when she was talked to she changed Francic  Hopkinson’s design of the flag. The reason I don’t think it was Francic Hopkinson made the flag is because Betsy Ross changed his design.

Thomas Paine Hour Glass Poem

Known as  the founding father of the  United States

Knew that independence from England must come

Was a philosopher and writer

Was very kind

Thomas Paine

Was very smart

Volunteered in the Continental Army

Published American Crisis between 1776 and 1783

Wrote Common Sense during the American Revolution in 1776painepicture from~

Pearl Harbor

President Roosevelt called it ” A day which it will live in infamy.”
Est. is what it is in Hawaii so it was 12:55 there
Attacked by Japan
Really Utah, Pennsylvania, and Oglala are battleships that sank
Liked by none

Herbert Jones, Edwin Hill, and John Finn are all heros
At 7:55
Really the memorial is in Honolulu,HI
Brought us to World War II
On December 7, 1941
Really didn’t have any clues or warnings

pearl harbor zpic from~